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The Department of Mechanical Engineering was founded in 1975, as one of the first departments of Taiwan Tech. The Graduate School of Engineering was established in 1979, and currently enrolls more than 700 undergraduate students and over 500 graduate students.

With more than 50 full-time members of faculty, the department offers a broad spectrum of courses covering many disciplines of mechanical engineering. The faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Department is divided into five groups: Design and Mechanics, Manufacturing, Thermal Science and Fluid Mechanics, Control, and Materials, where research activities focus on mechanical design and manufacturing for practical engineering applications. Technology transfer has been given high priority to ensure that newly developed technologies will make their way into industrial applications.

Department of Mechanical Engineering initiated the international graduate program in the first semester of the year 2005 with the goal to attract qualified students to pursue graduate studies in Master’s or Ph.D. Programs. The course and research requirements for international students are equivalent to those for domestic students while wide-range English-taught courses are available. Currently, the international students of the graduate program enrolled mainly from Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Kenya, and other countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Iran, Bangladesh, Mexico, and Germany.

International Student Profile

Educational Goals

  1. The acquisition of professional knowledge in relevant research fields.
  2. The competence to propose and perform projects and to publish the research results by completing theses.
  3. The ability to innovate and think independently and to be able to coordinate with personnel in other disciplines to solve research problems faced in the professional field.
  4. International perspective.
  5. The capacity of leadership, management and formulation.
  6. Self-development and the aptitude for lifetime learning.